Current Events
Current Events, Updates, & Other Information:
August 2012:
- 2nd - Registration
- 15th - First Day of School
- 22nd - 1:15 Dismissal
- 24th - YES Mentoring Tailgate Fundraiser before the football game
- 29th - 115 Dismissal
- 30 th - School Pictures
September 2012:
- 3rd - No School
- 5th - 1:15 Dismissal
- 11th - 5:00 PM PTO at IPS
- 12th - 1:15 Dismissal
- 19th - 1:15 Dismissal
- 21st - HOMECOMING - 2:15 Dismissal 3:00 pm Parade
- 24th - 1:15 Dismissal and Parent/Teacher conferences
- 27th - 1:15 Dismissal and Parent/Teacher conferences
- 28th - No School
October 2012:
- 3rd - 1:15 Dismissal
- 5th and 6th - Trash Bag Pick-up
- 9th - 5:00 PM PTO at IPS
- 10th - 1:15 Dismissal
- 17th - 1:15 Dismissal
- 18th - End 1st Quarter
- 15th - 19th - Worldfest Musicians at Wilson Performing Arts Center
- 24th - 1:15 Dismissal
- 31st - 1:15 Dismissal