Greetings and Welcome
Greetings from the Vocal Music Department!
We are off and running. Fall is such an exciting time in the vocal music department. We just kicked off our annual Red Oak High School Music Department fundraiser with Deli International. Our students are selling delicious food items like pizza, and cookie dough. We would really appreciate it if you would help out the department by either purchasing some items from one of the music student or by giving a donation to our music department. Every little bit counts.
Fall is also the season for All State Auditions. We have about 20 students who are working hard at learning the All State repertoire for their October 20th auditions, at Harlan, for the Iowa All State Choir. They are asked to learn 7 songs in 3 different languages. The music is challenging but beautiful. Every one of our students who participates in these auditions will become better musicians and will enhance our music department