Filling Vacant Board Seat Through Appointment
The Red Oak CSD Board of Directors intends to fill a vacant board seat through an appointment process. Residents of the Red Oak CSD who are interested in serving on the school board are invited to submit a letter of interest to Board Secretary Heidi Harris, by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday January 2, 2025. All those who do so will be invited to attend a special board meeting on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, where they will be asked a brief series of questions regarding their interests and qualifications. The board will go into closed session, in accordance with Iowa Code § 21.5, to deliberate on the qualifications of each candidate. The board will come out of closed session and consider motions to appoint a suitable replacement to fill the vacant seat and serve the remainder of the unexpired term. If no motion carries or a quorum is not present, a special election will be held to fill the seat.
The public has a right to file a petition requiring the vacancy be filled by special election. Petitions for a special election must be received by the Board Secretary within 14 days of publication of notice. The petition must contain at least 331 signatures (i.e., 30 percent of the number of voters in the last regular school election).
Please contact Board Secretary Heid Harris at (712) 623-6600 ext. 1002 or for additional information.