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Red Oak School District



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2025-2026 School Calendar Public Hearing

In accordance with Iowa Code § 281—12.1(7), the Red Oak CSD will hold public hearing regarding the proposed 2025-2026 school calendar. This hearing will occur on February 19, 2025, at approximately 5:35 p.m., in the Red Oak Virtual Learning Center.

The district will present two calendar proposals. One is based on current statutory requirements. The other is contingent on proposed legislative action that would revise school start date requirements.

The status quo calendar proposal includes 1095 hours of instruction with 2.25 days included to hedge against weather related delays or closures. The school year would begin August 25 and conclude on May 22. This calendar features a ten-day Christmas Break, and a five-day Spring Break the week of March 19. Weekly early outs will continue to be on Friday afternoons. Full day Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 18 and Thursday, February 12.

The contingency calendar proposals would be adopted if the Iowa Legislature provides greater flexibility on school start dates. This calendar includes 1096 hours of instruction. The school start date would be August 21, and the end date would be May 22. This calendar provides three dedicated professional development days throughout the year. It also maintains a ten-day Christmas Break and makes the day following Easter (i.e., April 6) a non-school day for students.


Proposed 2025-2026 District Calendar

Proposed 2025-2026 District Calendar (Contingency)